Laser liga
Portal for laser game players.

Create an account

Obrázek ze hry laser game. Hráč skrčený za překážkou a nad ním laser jiného hráče, který po něm střílel.

What is Laser Liga?

Laser Liga is a portal for laser game players. It unifies the results and provides statistics from several arenas throughout the Czech Republic.

Players compete on a global leaderboard. At the same time, the Laser Liga allows arenas to hold tournaments where players measure their laser skills.

So, what are you waiting for?

Create an account and play!

Obrázek ze hry laser game. Dva hráči ve vestách, které svítí modře.

Arenas joined

Although we would like to, not all laser arenas in the Czech Republic support the Laser League yet, we are trying to expand our community of laser game players.


Is your arena missing? Tell them to contact us at

How does it work?

1. You create an account

When registering, you choose your home arena and nickname and will be assigned your unique code.

Create an account

2. Play at your laser arena

You report to the operator that you are registered, and they will find your account using your nickname or code.

Arenas supporting Laser Liga

3. Collect stats

The results show up on your profile right after the game! Collect points from games that move you up the leaderboard of all laser game players.
