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Vánoční turnaj firem

Vánoční turnaj firem

Informace o turnaji laser game, který se odehrál 17.12.2023 v FunSpace ČB.



Date: 17.12.2023

Beginning: 09:00

End: 14:00

Format: Teams

Player count in a team: 3

Substitutes: 1


Vyberte tři nejlepší hráče lasergame z vaší firmy a přijďte poměřit své síly s ostatními!

Nový turnaj určený pro dospělé! Své síly poměří zástupci různých firem z několika odvětví. Máte nevyřešené firemní spory? Přijďte si je dořešit k nám!

Sežeň 3 spoluhráče ze své firmy a vyhrajte super ceny!

Hlavní turnaj bude probíhat v týmech o 3 hráčích v módu team deathmatch, takže vás čeká pořádný akční battle!

Vezmi dva kolegy, dejte dohromady název týmu a přijďte se poměřit s ostatními. Jo a vyhrajete super ceny!


350 Kč za hráče

1050 Kč za tým

Tournament rules

Detailní pravidla, povolení a zákazy budou řečeny před zahájením turnaje.


List of registered players in this laser game tournament.


Average ranking of the registered player: 0


Diebold Nixdorf

Average ranking of the registered player: 0


FEMINI - Laserové operace České Budějovice

Average ranking of the registered player: 0

El Háňa

Zase ve dvou

Average ranking of the registered player: 0


Výsledky turnaje

Team Wins Draws Losses Points Score Average game ranking
1. Utini 0 0 0 0 0 0,00
2. Diebold Nixdorf 0 0 0 0 0 0,00
3. FEMINI - Laserové operace České Budějovice 0 0 0 0 0 0,00
4. Zase ve dvou 0 0 0 0 0 0,00

Individual results

Hry turnaje

Beginning Group Home Away Results

Frequently Asked Questions

Laser game is a sport. And as in any other sport, tournaments are organized here too. A laser game tournament is usually a one-day event where several players/teams compete against each other. Laser game tournaments can be organized in several ways depending on the game mode, bracket type, arena, etc.

A laser game league is a long-term competition consisting of several tournaments. The results are evaluated from each tournament separately, but also as a whole. At the end of the league season, the overall results are announced.

To register for a tournament, just open the page of the specific Laser League tournament and fill out the form via the "register" button. If you (or your teammates) have a Laser League player account, the whole process will be easier for you, as you don't have to enter all the information and the tournament will be added to your profile.

After registration, you will receive a link to your e-mail through which you can change your application. If you are registered in the Laser League, you can find and edit your application in your profile.