User's profile: Anet
Player's game code: 0-V7FJV
Anet started their laser game journey by registering into Laser Liga on .
Since then, they have yet to manage to play a single game.
Basic Stats
Leaderboard position
Games played
Summary statistics
Time in game
Arenas visited
Players hit
Rank history
Game modes
Game count:
Leaderboard position history:
Summary of game skills:
Data on this graph are distributed between values 0 and 100%.
The position on the graph is relative to other players and expresses your percentile (how many % of players are better or worse than your average).
Anet trends show progress for the last games and month.
Trends in the last 10 games
Skill level
Average shot count per game
Trends in the last 30 days
Game count
Classic game count
Leaderboard position
Hit amount
Death amount
Trophies that Anet got during their games. Trophies are special rewards that show different achievements that Anet achieved during the game.
Achievements are rewards acquired during the Anet's whole laser game player's career Most achievements also unlock a new title for the player's profile. Achievements that unlock a title are labeled by:
Remaining achievements
Last games:
The player has no games yet