
Team Registration

Písecký pohár laser game 2024

Zasláním přihlášky se přihlašujete na triádu turnajů z kterých vyjde vítěz pro rok 2024 o Písecký pohár. Hromadné startovné je nutné zaplatit do 31. 1. 2024. Tým s kompletně nezaplaceným startovným nemůže být do turnaje zařazen. Individuální domluva možná.


Fill in case the player is younger than 15 years old.
Fill in case the player is younger than 15 years old.
Special training event
Automatic registration to a connected event.
Player 2:
Fill in case the player is younger than 15 years old.
Fill in case the player is younger than 15 years old.
Special training event
Automatic registration to a connected event.
Player 3:
Fill in case the player is younger than 15 years old.
Fill in case the player is younger than 15 years old.
Special training event
Automatic registration to a connected event.
Player 4:
Fill in case the player is younger than 15 years old.
Fill in case the player is younger than 15 years old.
Special training event
Automatic registration to a connected event.

Substitutes (optional)

Fill in case the player is younger than 15 years old.
Fill in case the player is younger than 15 years old.
Special training event
Automatic registration to a connected event.
Fill in case the player is younger than 15 years old.
Fill in case the player is younger than 15 years old.
Special training event
Automatic registration to a connected event.
Fill in case the player is younger than 15 years old.
Fill in case the player is younger than 15 years old.
Special training event
Automatic registration to a connected event.
Fill in case the player is younger than 15 years old.
Fill in case the player is younger than 15 years old.
Special training event
Automatic registration to a connected event.